Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
blog-protector |
官網說明 |
Protect your valuable blog content(Pages & Posts) from getting copied. |
解說 |
禁止按右鍵複製文章, 或設定反白功能(框起一段文字), 雖然是防滑鼠, 但鍵盤的Ctrl+C還是可以複製, 希望日後可以更新 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://www.pcdrome.com/blog-protector/ |
Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
contact-form-7 |
官網說明 |
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on. |
解說 |
建立連絡版主的表單, 可以搭配really-simple-captcha驗證, 以防止收到太多垃圾信 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://contactform7.com/ |
Rating |
4.5/5 |
外掛名稱 |
really-simple-captcha |
官網說明 |
Really Simple CAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA module intended to be called from other plugins. It is originally created for my Contact Form 7 plugin. |
解說 |
搭配contact-form-7聯絡表單使用, 多一道驗證動作以防止垃圾留言 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/ |
Rating |
4.5/5 |
外掛名稱 |
sitemap-generator |
官網說明 |
This is a simple, lightweight XML sitemap generator designed with the end-user in mind. It provides a familiar interface for viewing new or updated posts and making last minute changes before updating your sitemap. To top it off the plugin integrates seamlessly with Multisite (each blog in your network has its own unique sitemap). This truly is the bare-bone essentials -- what you need -- how you want it -- your life made simple. To update your sitemap After installing and activating the plugin, a new menu item will appear under Tools labeled Sitemap Generator (you must have import access to see it). Visit the Sitemap Generator tool and click either "Generate Sitemap" if you've yet to generate one, or "Update Sitemap" if you have. A fresh sitemap will be generated at the location you specified in your sitemap options (/sitemap.xml by default). |
解說 |
產生網站地圖, 新增一個頁面, 貼上<!-- ddsitemapgen -->即可 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/sitemap-generator-plugin-for-wordpress/ |
Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
wp-pagenavi |
官網說明 |
Want to replace the old ‹ Older posts | Newer posts › links with some page links? This plugin provides the wp_pagenavi() template tag which generates fancy pagination links. See the installation instructions for using it in your theme. |
解說 |
取代預設的"較舊文章|較新文章", 這外掛提供頁數可以點選的功能, 進入後台的外觀->主題編輯器中, 修改[loop.php], 移到最後一行網上找到一段從<div id="nav-below" class="navigation">, 到</div><!-- #nav-below -->的程式碼, 將原本的兩行註解, 並增加<?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')){wp_pagenavi();}?>即可
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-pagenavi/ |
Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
wp-postviews |
官網說明 |
Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed. |
解說 |
紀錄並顯示文章或頁面被點閱的次數, 針對佈景主題的php檔修改, index.php(首頁), page.php(頁面), single.php(單篇文章), 在裡面找到<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> 後, 新增<?php if(function_exists('the_views')) { the_views(); } ?> 到你想顯示的位置即可 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-postviews/ |
Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
random-post-for-widget |
官網說明 |
This simple plugin is a widget that displays a list of random posts on your sidebar. You can exclude certain posts by ID. |
解說 |
在網站顯示隨機文章的區塊, 增加網站的黏度, 讓網友對有興趣的文章多駐留一會兒. |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/random-post-for-widget/ |
Rating |
5/5 |
外掛名稱 |
link-manager |
官網說明 |
In WordPress 3.5, the Link Manager (which some use to build blogrolls) will be disabled by default. If you have links when you update, it'll still be there. But you can use this plugin to ensure it will always be there, even if you update to a later version of WordPress or remove all of your current links. |
解說 |
於後台的左側欄位增加鏈結管理功能, 可以搭配my-link-order整理鏈結的排序 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/link-manager/ |
Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
my-link-order |
官網說明 |
My Link Order allows you to set the order in which links and link categories will appear in the sidebar. |
解說 |
可以排序網站連結順序, 或將鏈結分類顯示在網頁上 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/my-link-order/ |
Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
vipers-video-quicktags |
官網說明 |
Allows easy and XHTML valid posting of videos from various websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, and more. |
解說 |
在文章插入影片, 可以試著插入youtube影片到文章, 只要將內嵌碼複製到文章即可, 內嵌碼像是[/youtube]http://youtu.be/XXX[youtube] |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/vipers-video-quicktags/ |
Rating |
3/5 |
外掛名稱 |
wordpress-importer |
官網說明 |
Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file. |
解說 |
提供後台左欄工具選項的匯出和匯入, 定期替wordpress做備份處理是很重要的一個工作喔 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/ |
Rating |
4/5 |
外掛名稱 |
si-captcha-for-wordpress |
官網說明 |
Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots. Adds security. Works great with Akismet. Also is fully WP, WPMU, and BuddyPress compatible. |
解說 |
提供留言迴響, 註冊, 使用者登入等等, 強大的驗證驗證動作, 防止垃圾留言或程式攻擊, 增加網站的安全性 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/ |
Rating |
5/5 |
外掛名稱 |
baw-manual-related-posts |
官網說明 |
Set related posts manually but easily with great ergonomics! Stop displaying auto/random related posts! |
解說 |
管理延伸閱讀文章, 在每篇文章列出相關的文章, 提供網友繼續閱讀, 增加網站的黏度, 相當實用 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/baw-manual-related-posts/ |
Rating |
2/5 |
外掛名稱 |
simple-tags |
官網說明 |
Add some tools for taxonomies : Terms suggestion, Mass Edit Terms, Auto link Terms, Ajax Autocompletion, Click Terms, Auto terms, Advanced manage term |
解說 |
取代原本預設的標籤功能, 它可以批次管理文章的標籤, 整理標籤變的更有效率 |
造訪外掛站台 |
http://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-tags/ |